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Is Assisted Stretching Painful?

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Assisted stretching has become a popular topic amongst workout enthusiasts and less active individuals alike seeking pain relief. Every day, people are inquiring about assisted stretching services for its impactful benefits. One of the biggest questions first timers have is whether getting stretched is painful. The simple answer is no, assisted stretching should never be painful. Let’s explore why that is and what you should expect from your first assisted stretch!

What is Assisted Stretching

Stretching is the act of extending or lengthening a muscle or group of muscles, usually through a series of movements or positions. Assisted stretching involves a partner that assists the person in holding the stretch. Through assisted stretching, a person is able to hold a stretch position for a longer period of time, and often in a deeper position than typically possible when done alone.

One of the benefits of an assisted stretch is that it is primarily passive for the person getting stretched! The partner, typically a professional, moves the person’s limbs through the stretches and controls them to achieve deeper stretches. This allows for a more targeted stretch, potentially accessing muscles and areas that may be difficult to reach when stretching alone. Getting stretched also makes it easier to incorporate stretching techniques such as Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF). PNF stretching involves contracting muscles, usually through a push and release technique. A partner is able to provide the necessary resistance needed to make this technique most effective. Through assisted stretching and the incorporation of PNF, a person is better able to achieve increased flexibility, mobility, and range of motion!

Solo Stretching vs assisted stretching at StretchLab

Is Assisted Stretching Painful?

An assisted stretch should never be painful. Many are hesitant to try because of the fear that the session may be painful. After all, it can be intimidating to have someone else in control of how far you’re pushing your body. This is why it is recommended to work with a professional!

While your body should be pushed to achieve a deep stretch, it should never be pushed to a point where you are in pain. The feeling may be unfamiliar as you may be in positions your body has not been in for a while, but that is okay! A professional helps you work through that unfamiliarity, giving your body the ability to deepen the stretch.

An assisted stretch can easily be done at home with a partner, family member, or friend. But if stretching is not a common practice for you or you are experiencing extreme tightness and inflexibility, then you would greatly benefit from stretching with a professional. A professional will know how to keep you comfortable while still assisting you in the deepest stretch possible for your body!

What to Expect During an Assisted Stretch at StretchLab

Time to book your first assisted stretch? Here’s what you need to know before your introductory session at StretchLab! First, you’ll meet one of our stretch practitioners who will get to know more about your needs and lifestyles. They’ll walk you through a mobility assessment with our MAPS machine. This proprietary technology assessment will allow your stretch practitioner  to identify any imbalances in how you’re moving so that they can better customize your stretch session. After that, it’s time to get on the bench!

Every session at StretchLab is personalized for each client. Once your stretch practitioner has assessed your needs, they will begin to assist you through a series of stretches picked and customized just for you! All of our stretch practitioners are trained to ensure every client gets a deep stretch without causing pain. By using a 1-10 tension scale to assess comfortability, they will push you to, but never past, a 7.

After your 25 or 50-minutes, your stretch practitioner will offer suggestions for how to improve and maintain your new flexibility and mobility! Ready to get started? Schedule your first session today!

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